Thursday, July 19, 2012

Casting Announcement!

Thank you to everyone who came out to audition for It's a Wonderful Life. What a great group with so much talent! Our director Gena Wilhite is excited to announce the following cast - Congrats to everyone!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Auditions! Its a Wonderful Life

Directed by Gena Wilhite
assisted by Samantha Musto

When?  Sunday July 15 2012, 6:30 pm and Monday July 16 2012, 6:30 pm

Where? Von Braun Center Playhouse, 700 Monroe Street, Huntsville, AL

Who? There are parts for 12 men, 10 women, 2 boys, 2 girls (doubling possible).

Auditions will consist of reading from the script, no monologue necessary.  The rehearsal schedule will be announced after casting, but typically is 3-4 times per week. Please let the directors know at auditions if you have any conflicts, it may not keep you from being cast, but it will help when creating the rehearsal schedule.

For more information contact Gena Wilhite at or

Performance Dates: November 9-17, 2012, VBC Playhouse

If you are interested in working on the show in any other aspect – backstage, publicity, ushering, or box office to name a few – get in contact with Theatre Huntsville.
Call us at 256-536-0807
eMail us
Twitter: @theatre_hsv
Instagram: theatrehuntsville
Flickr: theatrehsv

Friday, July 13, 2012

It's Opening Night!

It's time for opening night of The Musical of Musicals, the Musical! The actors are ready, the tech is ready and we hope you are ready for a rollicking ride thru the history of musical theatre!  It's 5 musicals in 1, retelling the same basic plot in the style of the legendary composers of Broadway.