Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's time for Spelling Bee!

Can you believe it's already July?  We have so much going on at Theatre Huntsville.  Some of it is work stuff that our amazing volunteers take part in, then there's our awesome July show, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!

When you volunteer, we feed you. There is almost always food.  It's pretty fantastic. 

Now, back to Spelling Bee.  In the interest of full disclosure, I have to share something with you.  It's a traumatic childhood memory that has stayed with me to this day.  It involves a spelling bee.

I won my 6th grade spelling bee at my elementary school.  I was a stellar speller.  (Say that five times fast.)  Imagine my dismay when I arrive at the County Fair to represent my school at the county level, only to find out that they are holding our spelling bee competition IN THE LIVESTOCK BARN.  Seriously.  Standing in the hay on a sweltering day in September in Tennessee, smelling all the divine smells that exist in THE LIVESTOCK BARN at a county fair.  There is mooing and braying and naying and very loud chewing and to say it was distracting is putting it mildly. 

In the classroom I was always able to spell the word without asking for a definition or for it to be used in a sentence.  I mean, what kind of losers need to do that?  Well, me, as it turns out.  They gave me the word vase, and I spelled vase, all smug like without asking for any help, and it wasn't vase.  It was f-a-c-e.  Quickest fall from glory ever. 

Suffice it to say I could have learned a thing or two from the "kids" in the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.  They are hard core, and absolutely hilarious. 

Our spelling bee contestants.  To say they have issues, well, yeah.  LOTS of issues. 

If you go see the show, know that you are going to laugh.  A lot.  And then they sing!  It's a funny, amazingly talented cast and they are ready for you to check it out! 

Our awesome musical director!

These are our lovely hosts.   They have a few issues too. 

They're competitive even at rehearsal!

And guess what?  YOU MAY BE CHOSEN TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SPELLING BEE!  How much fun is that?!?!?!?  So......if you have a traumatic spelling bee memory, this is your chance to right that childhood wrong once and for all!!!!  Ahem.....

We are moving the set, costumes and props from our 500 Plummer Road location to the VBC Playhouse on Friday, July 5, starting at 6:00 PM.  Just show up if you want to help out, we'd love to see you!  If you can't make it Friday, we are unloading said set, costumes and props from the truck into the VBC Playhouse on Saturday morning, July 6 at 9:00 am. 

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee opens July 12 at 7:30 PM, with 7:30 performances following on July 13 and July 18-20.  Matinees are July 14 and 20 at 2:00 PM.  Recommended for Teens & Adults for Language, Adult themes.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Our Town
By Thornton Wilder
March 15 - 16 & 21 - 23 @ 7:30 p.m.
March 17 & 23 @ 2:00 p.m.

If you’ve ever taken the time to walk through an old cemetery or thumbed through photos of loved ones who have passed away, then you know it’s almost impossible to keep your mind from wandering to the thought, “What if some of these people could rise up and tell us about their lives?”  What were things like when they were young?  Did they fall in love and marry?  What happened as their loved ones died and they considered their own mortality? 

Theatre Huntsville is offering you just such a glimpse into small town life with our production of Our Town.  This timeless drama is an American classic that takes place in the small town of Grover’s Corners.  Over a period of nine years the themes of daily life, love, marriage and mortality are examined from the viewpoint of everyone from the school age children of the town to the wise insights of the town’s most elder citizens. 

Recommended for All Ages

Tickets only $18 for Adults
Students and Seniors 65+, as well as active military pay only $15

Tickets information is available at

Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.